The Rotary Club of LeRoy gathered virtually on February 3, 2021, with 16 members present and two guests, District Governor (DG) Frank Adamson and Past District Governor, Kevin Crosby.  President Mary Margaret Ripley brought the meeting to order and the pledge was led by Bob Bennett.  Mr. Bob Carlon led us in prayer. 
President Mary Margaret asked for announcements.  Mike Tucci reminded members of the upcoming Big TV raffle and our need to continue to help sell tickets.  Jim Ellison updated the club on the Community Reinvestment committee and projects.  The Committee was able to partner with D&R Depot and provide boxed lunches to all employees throughout the three shifts at the LeRoy Village Green.  Mary Young-Murray reminded us about collecting books for R.E.A.L. (Rotarians Excited About Literacy).  This is a great event that occurs one of the Saturdays during the LeRoy Farmer’s Market.  We will hand out books during the event for no charge.  
President Mary Margaret moved onto missed meetings.  Missed meetings were observed by Bob Bennett and Ben Deragon.  Bob did not have make-up and will pay $5.00.  Ben had attended PETS (President-Elect Training Seminar) the night before virtually.   Ben is president elect for the club and will be transitioned to club president on July 1, 2021.  President Mary Margaret only had one fine today.  She fined Gerry Aron for an old picture from Facebook.  The picture contained himself with members of the DePaul staff.  However, the pride and joy of the picture was Gerry’s great-grandson.  Gerry said he was pleased to pay this fine.  
Today Kevin Crosby presented on the new “Healthy Communities” initiative spreading across all of the clubs in our district. Kevin comes to us from the Buffalo-Sunrise Rotary Club.  Kevin shared with the support of DG Frank and the District Council, our district is encouraging every club to find a project in its community that will contribute to the overall health and wellness of its citizens. DG Frank then went on to discuss the Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup.  He has challenged us and other clubs to start to plan for a waterway in your club’s vicinity that you can clean up and look to partner with another club.  It is recommended to pick a day(s) between Saturday, April 17th, and Saturday, April 24th to complete the project.  Both DG Frank and Kevin are looking for club champions to help with these projects.  
President Mary Margaret thanked both guests and all members and then adjourned at 12:55.  If you are interested in learning more about the Rotary Club of LeRoy, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or